Workplace Giving

There are many reasons why Workplace Giving is one of the best ways to give to charity:

  • It’s all organised by your payroll
  • It eliminates the need to collect receipts and wait until the end of the year to claim tax credits
  • Your donation is pre-tax so it will cost you less than the amount we receive from your payroll office
  • Giving this way keeps our administration costs down so more of your gift goes directly to supporting people living with arthritis
  • Some employers even choose to match employee donations, doubling the impact of your support.

Workplace Giving is the most simple and tax effective way for you to give to the charities you care about. You can donate a small portion of your pre-tax salary to charity and receive the tax benefit straightaway rather than waiting until the end of financial year. For example, if you donate $5 in this way, it will only cost you $3.50 but your charity will receive the full $5. In some cases, employers match donations, so your donation doubles to $10…and it has only cost you $3.50!

Download the Benefits of Workplace Giving.

For more information, please contact our CEO on 1800 011 041 or by email